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Give your leaders the training they need to be able to use the Preschool (Skipper or Scooter) curriculum at your church. This download provides tools to conduct a group or individual training workshop, including a presenter script, slide presentation, worksheets and more.
The Leading Bible Exploration Training Session includes: a presenter script, slideshow, worksheets, and more. In this training session, club leaders will:
- learn how to use Planbooks and handbooks to conduct Bible Explorations.
- understand the importance of the three parts of a Bible Exploration.
- participate in an actual Bible Exploration.
- learn ways to adapt materials to meet their club's needs.
- learn to lead effective discussions.
The Making Bible Memory Meaningful Training Session includes: a presenter script, slideshow, worksheets, and more. In this training session, club leaders will:
- learn several reasons why Scripture memory is important in club.
- realize why club members need to understand and apply verses, not just memorize them.
- practice memory techniques.
The Leading Game Time Training Session includes: a presenter script, slideshow, worksheets, and more. In this training session, club leaders will:
- discuss the benefits of game playing.
- learn ways of choosing, planning and leading games to maximize fun and benefits for club members.
The Leading Songs Training Session includes: a presenter script, slideshow, worksheets, and more. In this training session, club leaders will:
- understand the benefits of singing in club.
- learn ways to structure a song time.
- participate in worship.
- learn guidelines for teaching songs to club members.
The Evaluating Club Leader Workshop includes: a presenter script, slideshow, worksheets, and more. In this workshop, club leaders will:
- understand the benefit of evaluating club.
- consider what and when to evaluate.
- evaluate their club.
The Emphasizing Missions in Club Training Session includes: a presenter script, slideshow, worksheets, and more. In this training session, club leaders will:
- examine their own attitudes about missions.
- understand Pioneer Clubs' philosophy of missions education.
- become familiar with Pioneer Clubs Kids for Kids and Pioneer Clubs' missions education materials.
- understand how club members earn the Pioneer Clubs Missions Award by participating in regular meetings.
- plan ways to include a missions emphasis in their club.
The Developing Team Leadership Training Session includes: a presenter script, slideshow, worksheets, and more. In this training session, club leaders will:
- learn reasons for using team leadership in Pioneer Clubs.
- understand the benefits of team leadership.
- examine aspects of good communication.
- learn positive ways to handle conflict with co-leaders.
- role play ways to have good communication.
- discuss ways to develop good relationships with co-leaders.
The Listening to Children Training Session includes: a presenter script, slideshow, worksheets, and more. In this training session, club leaders will:
- understand the importance of listening to children.
- evaluate their own listening skills.
- examine constructive ways to respond to children.
- learn ways to get children to listen to them.
- role play listening to children.
The Planning Special Events Workshop includes: a presenter script, slideshow, worksheets, and more. In this workshop, club leaders will:
- discuss benefits of special club events.
- brainstorm ideas for special events.
- learn what resources are available to help them plan.
- plan a special event.
The Presenting the Gospel Training Session includes: a presenter script, slideshow, worksheets, and more. In this training session, club leaders will:
- understand how children develop spiritually and how to help them grow.
- learn how to effectively present the gospel to children.
- consider ways to help nature children in their faith.
- realize the importance of showing love to all children.
The Running Club Smoothly Training Session includes: a presenter script, slideshow, worksheets, and more. In this training session, club leaders will:
- discuss practical tips to help them run clubs smoothly.
- learn about resources for more ideas.
The Understanding Age Characteristics Training Session includes: a presenter script, slideshow, worksheets, and more. In this training session, club leaders will:
- learn several things all children need.
- learn the age characteristics of their club members.
- realize how knowing age characteristics will help them understand their club members' needs.
- see how Pioneer Clubs' spiraling curriculum helps them meet those needs.
The Understanding Learning Styles Training Session includes: a presenter script, slideshow, worksheets, and more. In this training session, club leaders will:
- experience children's three primary perceptual preferences.
- identify four basic teaching/learning styles and decide which one best describes themselves.
- understand that children learn in different ways and that a variety of teaching/learning techniques is needed to reach all their club members.
- recognize the value of using the variety provided in Pioneer Clubs curriculum.
The Leading Life Skill Activities Training Session includes: a presenter script, slideshow, worksheets, and more. In this training session, club leaders will:
- identify societal trends that make the Pioneer Clubs award recognition system beneficial to club members.
- study one award in their age level to see how it can help club members build skills and develop a positive attitude toward themselves.
- plan ways to improve life skill and games activities in their clubs.
- understand effective ways to give members awards.
The Using Effective Teaching Techniques Training Session includes: a presenter script, slideshow, worksheets, and more. In this training session, club leaders:
- experience and rate several teaching techniques.
- understand how we learn and what increases the effectiveness of teaching techniques.
- identify teaching techniques in Pioneer Clubs curriculum.
- review steps for using teaching techniques.
Pioneer Clubs Travel Mug
$10.99**Available while supplies last.** -
Drawstring Logo Tote Bag
$11.99Just the right size for kids! Club members can carry their Bibles and handbooks in this drawstring bag. Imprinted with the Pioneer Clubs theme verse in a fun design. Get one for every child in your club! -
Write your club information on the door hangers and hang them on front doors throughout your community as an inexpensive way to invite kids to club.