
  • Let the kids color the logo with regular crayons - and then iron their creation onto a blank T-shirt. This is one of the options for the craft on Day 1 of the Fixer Upper VBS.
  • Let the kids color the logo with regular crayons - and then iron their creation onto a blank T-shirt. This is one of the options for the craft on Day 1 of the Fixer Upper VBS. Includes 10 T-Shirt Color-Ons.
  • The 3-ring binder that holds the Fixer Upper curriculum includes everything a church needs for VBS - leader guides, craft instructions, complete Bible lesson plans, games, snacks, Bible Memory Cards, a music CD, a resource CD containing registration materials, bulletin inserts, posters, postcards, door hangers, schedules, supply lists, training materials and more. For more information, check out the Fixer Upper VBS website:
  • Five songs tie into each day's Bible lesson plus a theme song. CD also includes an instrumental-only version
  • <BR>CD 10 Packs.  Five songs tie into each day's Bible lesson plus a theme song. CD also includes an instrumental-only version<input name="storedescription" type="hidden" value="Five songs tie into each day's Bible lesson plus a theme song. CD also includes an instrumental-only version">
  • A 4'x3' foot vinyl banner with the Fixer Upper logo and room for the day and time of your VBS program.
  • This pack of 25 customizable postcards are the perfect way to invite the entire community to VBS.
  • A 18"x11" color poster designed to promote the One Way Cafe kit VBS. The poster can be customized for your VBS program.
  • All of the resource materials found in Fixer Upper kit are on the CD inside the kit. Perfect resource for another leader.
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  • The Footprints Theme Verse T-shirt has the Pioneer Clubs theme verse, Psalm 119:105 on the front. *Available while supplies last.
  • Represent your denomination with the Free Methodist Iron-on Crest. Crests can be sewn onto a sash, vest, Bible cover or banner. Available in a package of 5 crests.
  • Trailblazers earn the "Friends" badge by completing the requirements for the "Friends" unit on pages 58-62 of the Exploring New Trails handbook. Badges come in packages of 5 badges.
  • The "Friends Are Fun" badge is given for completing the second Bible unit in the Voyager book, Growing in Jesus. This badge is available in a package of 5 badges.
  • Themed meetings or events are great for your club. The Friends Valentine's Party includes: decoration, games, snacks and activity ideas, as well as a devotional and Bible memory activity. Printable Bible memory cards in ESV, NIV and KJV are also included.
  • Themed meetings or events are great for your club. The Friends Valentine's Party includes: decoration, games, snacks and activity ideas, as well as a devotional and Bible memory activity. Printable Bible memory cards in ESV, NIV and KJV are also included.
  • The "Friendship" badge is given for completing the second Bible unit in the Trailblazer book, Exploring New Trails. This badge is available in a package of 5 badges.
  • Over 100 fun games for kids of all ages! Great resource for game ideas that engage children during transition times, special meetings or any time! Contains holiday, outdoor, relay, noncompetitive, classic, team games and more!
  • Voyagers earn the "Games" badge by completing the requirements for the "Games" unit on pages 96-98 of the Growing in Jesus handbook. Badges come in packages of 5 badges.
  • Trailblazers earn the "Games" badge by completing the requirements for the "Games" unit on pages 112-117 of the Exploring the Way handbook. Badges come in packages of 5 badges.
  • Games Galore

    Get more than 290 games for your club! The collection includes Classic, Hiking, International, Get Acquainted, Relay, Races, Musical, Nature, Camping, Outdoor, Holiday, Indoor, Wheels and Noncompetitive games.
  • The "Getting Along with Others" badge is given for completing the second Bible unit in the Pathfinder book, Discovering God's Goodness. This badge is available in a package of 5 badges.
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  • Themed meetings or events are great for your club. The Gift-Giving Party includes: decoration, games, snacks and activity ideas, as well as a devotional and Bible memory activity. Printable Bible memory cards in ESV, NIV and KJV are also included.
  • Themed meetings or events are great for your club. The Gift-Giving Party includes: decoration, games, snacks and activity ideas, as well as a devotional and Bible memory activity. Printable Bible memory cards in ESV, NIV and KJV are also included.
  • Hearing from you means a lot! These colorful postcards provide an easy way to follow up with kids who visit club. 5/package.
  • The "God and Me" badge is given for completing the fourth Bible unit in the Voyager book, Growing in God's Grace. This badge is available in a package of 5 badges.
  • The "God Creates" badge is given for completing the sixth Bible unit in the Pathfinder book, Discovering God's Goodness. This badge is available in a package of 5 badges.
  • The "God Made Families" badge is given for completing the fifth Bible unit in the Voyager book, Growing in God's Grace. This badge is available in a package of 5 badges.
  • The "God Made It All" badge is given for completing the sixth Bible unit in the Voyager book, Growing in Jesus. This badge is available in a package of 5 badges.
  • The "God Made Us" badge is given for completing the fourth Bible unit in the Pathfinder book, Discovering God's Goodness. This badge is available in a package of 5 badges.
  • The "God's Family" badge is given for completing the third Bible unit in the Pathfinder book, Discovering God's Goodness. This badge is available in a package of 5 badges.
  • The "God's Word" badge is given for completing the sixth Bible unit in the Voyager book, Growing in God's Grace. This badge is available in a package of 5 badges.
  • Pathfinders earn the "Good Food" badge by completing the requirements for the "Good Food" unit on pages 51-54 of the Discovering God's Goodness handbook. Badges come in packages of 5 badges.
  • The "Good News" badge is given for completing the seventh Bible unit in the Voyager book, Growing in God's Grace. This badge is available in a package of 5 badges.
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  • Grey Theme T-Shirt

  • Pathfinders earn the "Grill Chef" badge by completing the requirements for the "Grill Chef" unit on pages 79-80 of the Discovering God's Goodness handbook. Badges come in packages of 5 badges.
  • The Group Discipline Training Session provides tools to conduct a group or individual training workshop. In this training session, club leaders will:
    • recognize the value and goals of discipline.
    • examine different styles of discipline.
    • learn steps to a good discipline program.
    • understand guidelines, logical consequences, and positive reinforcement, and develop some examples.
    • examine ways to handle misbehavior.
  • Pathfinders earn the "Group Games" badge by completing the requirements for the "Group Games" unit on pages 89-91 of the Discovering God's Goodness handbook. Badges come in packages of 5 badges.
  • The Growing in God's Grace Bible Memory Packet includes Bible memory cards in NIV with a navy pocket-sized vinyl carrying case with the Pioneer Clubs logo. 
  • The Growing in God's Grace Handbook corresponds with the Growing in God's Grace Leader Planbook. It includes instructions and requirements for 7 Bible awards and 17 activity awards. Club members use handbooks during Bible Exploration, Bible Memory and Activity Award times. Kids will enjoy learning more about God and the Bible through games and activities in this handbook.
  • The Growing in God's Grace Leader Planbook has complete lesson plans for 28 regular meetings plus 2 additional meetings for Club Kickoff and Easter for a total of 30 meeting plans. Weekly meeting plans include Bible Explorations, activity awards, Bible awards, Bible memory, Games and prayer. Special Parent Pages let parents reinforce these lessons at home.