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Join DELTA Guide Lauren Bird and Detective Dan as they solve the mystery behind what is happening at "Chilly Church" and discover what God's Word says about the church and the gifts of the Spirit.
The Presenting the Gospel Training Session includes: a presenter script, slideshow, worksheets, and more. In this training session, club leaders will:
- understand how children develop spiritually and how to help them grow.
- learn how to effectively present the gospel to children.
- consider ways to help nature children in their faith.
- realize the importance of showing love to all children.
The Large Group/Small Group format is for DELTA clubs with more than 15 kids. The DELTA Discovering God’s Way Large Group Leader Planbook ontains scripted Bible Explorations, Bible Memory review, prayer content and more.
Churches running DELTA in the Large Group/Small Group format will also need a Small Group planbook for each small group leader. The DELTA Discovering God’s Way Adventurer Small Group Planbook facilitates age-appropriate discussion of the Bible Exploration presented from the DELTA Discovering God’s Way Large Group Leader Planbook. It focuses on the kid’s handbook Bible activities, application of the lesson, Bible memory and prayer content.
The DELTA Discovering God’s Way Adventurer Small Group Planbook corresponds with the DELTA Discovering God’s Way Adventurer Handbook. The Adventurer Small Group Planbook and Handbook are designed specifically for 3rd-4th graders. -
The Listening to Children Training Session includes: a presenter script, slideshow, worksheets, and more. In this training session, club leaders will:
- understand the importance of listening to children.
- evaluate their own listening skills.
- examine constructive ways to respond to children.
- learn ways to get children to listen to them.
- role play listening to children.
Join DELTA Guide Luke Forscher as he discovers how to use Scripture as a guide for evaluating media as he seeks to follow God. Kids will gain practical tools for evaluating music, movies, TV shows and video games.
The Large Group/Small Group format is for DELTA clubs with more than 15 kids. The DELTA Discovering God’s Way Large Group Leader Planbook ontains scripted Bible Explorations, Bible Memory review, prayer content and more.
Churches running DELTA in the Large Group/Small Group format will also need a Small Group planbook for each small group leader. The DELTA Discovering God’s Way Navigator Small Group Planbook facilitates age-appropriate discussion of the Bible Exploration presented from the DELTA Discovering God’s Way Large Group Leader Planbook. It focuses on the kid’s handbook Bible activities, application of the lesson, Bible memory and prayer content.
The DELTA Discovering God’s Way Navigator Small Group Planbook corresponds with the DELTA Discovering God’s Way Navigator Handbook. The Navigator Small Group Planbook and Handbook are designed specifically for 5th and 6th graders. -
The Understanding Learning Styles Training Session includes: a presenter script, slideshow, worksheets, and more. In this training session, club leaders will:
- experience children's three primary perceptual preferences.
- identify four basic teaching/learning styles and decide which one best describes themselves.
- understand that children learn in different ways and that a variety of teaching/learning techniques is needed to reach all their club members.
- recognize the value of using the variety provided in Pioneer Clubs curriculum.
Join DELTA Guide Lauren Bird as she experiences a change in attitude as she reflects on what she is thankful for. Kids will also discover when Jesus healed 10 people with leprosy, and hear from one of the men who was healed.
The Large Group/Small Group format is for DELTA clubs with more than 15 kids. The DELTA Discovering God's Way Large Group Leader Planbook contains scripted Bible Explorations, Bible Memory review, prayer content and more. Churches running DELTA in the Large Group/Small Group format will also need a Small Group planbook for each small group leader. The small group planbooks facilitate age-appropriate discussion of the Bible Exploration presented from the Large Group Planbook and focuses on the kid's handbook Bible activities, application of the lesson, Bible memory and prayer content. The DELTA Discovering God's Way Large Group Planbook corresponds with the DELTA Discovering God's Way Hiker Small Group Planbook, the DELTA Discovering God's Way Adventurer Small Group Planbook and the DELTA Discovering God's Way Navigator Small Group Planbook.
The Understanding Age Characteristics Training Session includes: a presenter script, slideshow, worksheets, and more. In this training session, club leaders will:
- learn several things all children need.
- learn the age characteristics of their club members.
- realize how knowing age characteristics will help them understand their club members' needs.
- see how Pioneer Clubs' spiraling curriculum helps them meet those needs.
Join DELTA Guide Luke Forscher as he discovers what peace from God can look like when we're feeling worried and anxious.
The Discovering God's Way All-in-One Planbook is designed for churches ministering to less than 15 children with limited volunteers. This planbook provides weekly Bible Explorations and instructions for working with multi-aged children as they apply the lesson during the handbook time. This planbook can be used with the Discovering God's Way Hiker Handbook, Adventurer Handbook and Navigator Handbook.
The Using Effective Teaching Techniques Training Session includes: a presenter script, slideshow, worksheets, and more. In this training session, club leaders:
- experience and rate several teaching techniques.
- understand how we learn and what increases the effectiveness of teaching techniques.
- identify teaching techniques in Pioneer Clubs curriculum.
- review steps for using teaching techniques.
Join DELTA Guide Lauren Bird as she learns about attitudes like pride and humility. Kids will discover what it means to have an attitude of humility by looking at Christ's example.
Use the DELTA Walking with Jesus Hiker Handbook with either the DELTA Walking with Jesus All-in-One Leader Planbook or the DELTA Walking with Jesus Large Group Leader Planbook and Hiker Small Group Leader Planbook.
Handbooks help kids gain a deeper understanding of the Bible lesson and how it applies to their lives. These resources are age appropriate for children in elementary school. DELTA levels are Hiker (grades 1-2), Adventurer (grades 3-4) and Navigator (grades 5-6). Handbooks also contain instructions for the skill and game awards for the club year, which are the same for Hiker, Adventurer and Navigator. Handbooks are spiral bound.
Join DELTA Guide Luke Forscher as he practices the spiritual habit of studying God's Word and discovers the joy and peace that comes from reading the Bible and knowing God more.
The Emphasizing Missions in Club Training Session includes: a presenter script, slideshow, worksheets, and more. In this training session, club leaders will:
- examine their own attitudes about missions.
- understand Pioneer Clubs' philosophy of missions education.
- become familiar with Pioneer Clubs Kids for Kids and Pioneer Clubs' missions education materials.
- understand how club members earn the Pioneer Clubs Missions Award by participating in regular meetings.
- plan ways to include a missions emphasis in their club.
Use the DELTA Walking with Jesus Adventurer Handbook with either the DELTA Walking with Jesus All-in-One Leader Planbook or the DELTA Walking with Jesus Large Group Leader Planbook and Adventurer Small Group Leader Planbook.
Handbooks help kids gain a deeper understanding of the Bible lesson and how it applies to their lives. These resources are age appropriate for children in elementary school. DELTA levels are Hiker (grades 1-2), Adventurer (grades 3-4) and Navigator (grades 5-6). Handbooks also contain instructions for the skill and game awards for the club year, which are the same for Hiker, Adventurer and Navigator. Handbooks are spiral bound.
Join DELTA Guide Lauren Bird as she learns about building a habit of prayer from looking at the life of Jesus. Kids will discover they can pray to God anytime, anywhere, about anything and be encouraged to talk to God regularly.
The Planning Special Events Workshop includes: a presenter script, slideshow, worksheets, and more. In this workshop, club leaders will:
- discuss benefits of special club events.
- brainstorm ideas for special events.
- learn what resources are available to help them plan.
- plan a special event.
Use the DELTA Walking with Jesus Navigator Handbook with either the DELTA Walking with Jesus All-in-One Leader Planbook or the DELTA Walking with Jesus Large Group Leader Planbook and Navigator Small Group Leader Planbook.
Handbooks help kids gain a deeper understanding of the Bible lesson and how it applies to their lives. These resources are age appropriate for children in elementary school. DELTA levels are Hiker (grades 1-2), Adventurer (grades 3-4) and Navigator (grades 5-6). Handbooks also contain instructions for the skill and game awards for the club year, which are the same for Hiker, Adventurer and Navigator. Handbooks are spiral bound.
The Developing Team Leadership Training Session includes: a presenter script, slideshow, worksheets, and more. In this training session, club leaders will:
- learn reasons for using team leadership in Pioneer Clubs.
- understand the benefits of team leadership.
- examine aspects of good communication.
- learn positive ways to handle conflict with co-leaders.
- role play ways to have good communication.
- discuss ways to develop good relationships with co-leaders.
Join DELTA Guide Luke Forscher as he explores how the Israelites worshiped God, and how we can worship and praise God in our everyday lives - by doing everything we do for His glory!
The Large Group/Small Group format is for DELTA clubs with more than 15 kids. The DELTA Walking with Jesus Large Group Leader Planbook contains scripted Bible Explorations, Bible Memory review, prayer content and more.
Churches running DELTA in the Large Group/Small Group format will also need a Small Group planbook for each small group leader. The DELTA Walking with Jesus Hiker Small Group Planbook facilitates age-appropriate discussion of the Bible Exploration presented from the DELTA Walking with Jesus Large Group Leader Planbook. It focuses on the kid’s handbook Bible activities, application of the lesson, Bible memory and prayer content.
The DELTA Walking with Jesus Hiker Small Group Planbook corresponds with the DELTA Walking with Jesus Hiker Handbook. The Hiker Small Group Planbook and Handbook are designed specifically for 1st-2nd graders, but can be adapted to include Kindergarteners as well.
The Running Club Smoothly Training Session includes: a presenter script, slideshow, worksheets, and more. In this training session, club leaders will:
- discuss practical tips to help them run clubs smoothly.
- learn about resources for more ideas.
Join DELTA Guide Lauren Bird as she reminds us of the benefits of meeting together with other believers. Kids will recognize the strengths of Christian community and that they are important members of their church family.
The Large Group/Small Group format is for DELTA clubs with more than 15 kids. The DELTA Walking with Jesus Large Group Leader Planbook contains scripted Bible Explorations, Bible Memory review, prayer content and more.
Churches running DELTA in the Large Group/Small Group format will also need a Small Group planbook for each small group leader. The DELTA Walking with Jesus Hiker Small Group Planbook facilitates age-appropriate discussion of the Bible Exploration presented from the DELTA Walking with Jesus Large Group Leader Planbook. It focuses on the kid’s handbook Bible activities, application of the lesson, Bible memory and prayer content.
The DELTA Walking with Jesus Adventurer Small Group Planbook corresponds with the DELTA Walking with Jesus Adventurer Handbook. The Adventurer Small Group Planbook and Handbook are designed specifically for 3rd-4th graders.
Join DELTA Guide Luke Forscher as he prepares for a marathon and discovers how preparing and running in a race is like following Jesus.
The Evaluating Club Leader Workshop includes: a presenter script, slideshow, worksheets, and more. In this workshop, club leaders will:
- understand the benefit of evaluating club.
- consider what and when to evaluate.
- evaluate their club.
The Large Group/Small Group format is for DELTA clubs with more than 15 kids. The DELTA Walking with Jesus Large Group Leader Planbook contains scripted Bible Explorations, Bible Memory review, prayer content and more.
Churches running DELTA in the Large Group/Small Group format will also need a Small Group planbook for each small group leader. The DELTA Walking with Jesus Navigator Small Group Planbook facilitates age-appropriate discussion of the Bible Exploration presented from the DELTA Walking with Jesus Large Group Leader Planbook. It focuses on the kid’s handbook Bible activities, application of the lesson, Bible memory and prayer content.
The DELTA Walking with Jesus Navigator Small Group Planbook corresponds with the DELTA Walking with Jesus Navigator Handbook. The Navigator Small Group Planbook and Handbook are designed specifically for 5th-6th graders.
Join DELTA guide Lauren Byrd as she packs her suitcase for an upcoming trip and compares it to the life of a Christian. Sometimes hard decisions have to be made about what to leave behind when traveling. Kids will learn that committing to follow Jesus isn't always easy, and sometimes means giving up what you want in order to put Christ first.
The Large Group/Small Group format is for DELTA clubs with more than 15 kids. The DELTA Walking with Jesus Large Group Leader Planbook contains scripted Bible Explorations, Bible Memory review, prayer content and more.
Churches running DELTA in the Large Group/Small Group format will also need a Small Group planbook for each small group leader. The small group planbooks facilitate age-appropriate discussion of the Bible Exploration presented from the Large Group Planbook and focuses on the kid’s handbook Bible activities, application of the lesson, Bible memory and prayer content.
The DELTA Walking with Jesus Large Group Planbook corresponds with the DELTA Walking with Jesus Hiker Small Group Planbook, the DELTA Walking with Jesus Adventurer Small Group Planbook and the DELTA Walking with Jesus Navigator Small Group Planbook.
Join DELTA guide Luke Forscher as he shops for healthy groceries that won't break his bank. Shopping reminds Luke of what the Bible teaches is the most valuable pursuit in life - investing in the kingdom of heaven. Kids will uncover the greatest treasure - knowing, loving, and following Jesus.
The DELTA Walking with Jesus All-in-One Planbook is designed for churches ministering to less than 15 children with limited volunteers. This planbook provides weekly Bible Explorations and instructions for working with multi-aged children as they apply the lesson during the handbook time. This planbook can be used with the Walking with Jesus Hiker Handbook, Adventurer Handbook and Navigator Handbook.
Join DELTA Guides Luke Forscher and Lauren Bird as they think about what life may be like in the future. While we may not know what new technology we have, we do know what we have to look forward to as followers of Jesus. Kids will learn from the life of Paul that no matter how difficult life can be, following Jesus is the most significant and worthwhile thing we can ever do.
Use the DELTA Knowing God's Love Hiker Handbook with either the DELTA Knowing God's Love All-in-One Leader Planbook or the DELTA Knowing God's Love Large Group Leader Planbook and Hiker Small Group Leader Planbook.
Handbooks help kids gain a deeper understanding of the Bible lesson and how it applies to their lives. These resources are age appropriate for children in elementary school. DELTA levels are Hiker (grades 1-2), Adventurer (grades 3-4) and Navigator (grades 5-6). Handbooks also contain instructions for the skill and game awards for the club year, which are the same for Hiker, Adventurer and Navigator. Handbooks are spiral bound.
Use the DELTA Knowing God's Love Navigator Handbook with either the DELTA Knowing God's Love All-in-One Leader Planbook or the DELTA Knowing God's Love Large Group Leader Planbook and Navigator Small Group Leader Planbook.
Handbooks help kids gain a deeper understanding of the Bible lesson and how it applies to their lives. These resources are age appropriate for children in elementary school. DELTA levels are Hiker (grades 1-2), Adventurer (grades 3-4) and Navigator (grades 5-6). Handbooks also contain instructions for the skill and game awards for the club year, which are the same for Hiker, Adventurer and Navigator. Handbooks are spiral bound.
Use the DELTA Knowing God's Love Navigator Handbook with either the DELTA Knowing God's Love All-in-One Leader Planbook or the DELTA Knowing God's Love Large Group Leader Planbook and Navigator Small Group Leader Planbook.
Handbooks help kids gain a deeper understanding of the Bible lesson and how it applies to their lives. These resources are age appropriate for children in elementary school. DELTA levels are Hiker (grades 1-2), Adventurer (grades 3-4) and Navigator (grades 5-6). Handbooks also contain instructions for the skill and game awards for the club year, which are the same for Hiker, Adventurer and Navigator. Handbooks are spiral bound.
The Large Group/Small Group format is for DELTA clubs with more than 15 kids. The DELTA Knowing God's Love Large Group Leader Planbook contains scripted Bible Explorations, Bible Memory review, prayer content and more.
Churches running DELTA in the Large Group/Small Group format will also need a Small Group planbook for each small group leader. The DELTA Knowing God's Love Hiker Small Group Planbook facilitates age-appropriate discussion of the Bible Exploration presented from the DELTA Knowing God's Love Large Group Leader Planbook. It focuses on the kid’s handbook Bible activities, application of the lesson, Bible memory and prayer content. The DELTA Knowing God's Love Hiker Small Group Planbook corresponds with the DELTA Knowing God's Love Hiker Handbook. The Hiker Small Group Planbook and Handbook are designed specifically for 1st-2nd graders, but can be adapted to include Kindergarteners as well. -
The Large Group/Small Group format is for DELTA clubs with more than 15 kids. The DELTA Knowing God’s Love Large Group Leader Planbook contains scripted Bible Explorations, Bible Memory review, prayer content and more.
Churches running DELTA in the Large Group/Small Group format will also need a Small Group planbook for each small group leader. The DELTA Knowing God’s Love Adventurer Small Group Planbook facilitates age-appropriate discussion of the Bible Exploration presented from the DELTA Knowing God’s Love Large Group Leader Planbook. It focuses on the kid’s handbook Bible activities, application of the lesson, Bible memory and prayer content.
The DELTA Knowing God’s Love Adventurer Small Group Planbook corresponds with the DELTA Knowing God’s Love Adventurer Handbook. The Adventurer Small Group Planbook and Handbook are designed specifically for 3rd-4th graders.
The Large Group/Small Group format is for DELTA clubs with more than 15 kids. The DELTA Knowing God’s Love Large Group Leader Planbook contains scripted Bible Explorations, Bible Memory review, prayer content and more.
Churches running DELTA in the Large Group/Small Group format will also need a Small Group planbook for each small group leader. The DELTA Knowing God’s Love Navigator Small Group Planbook facilitates age-appropriate discussion of the Bible Exploration presented from the DELTA Knowing God’s Love Large Group Leader Planbook. It focuses on the kid’s handbook Bible activities, application of the lesson, Bible memory and prayer content.
The DELTA Knowing God's Love Navigator Small Group Planbook corresponds with the DELTA Knowing God’s Love Navigator Handbook. The Navigator Small Group Planbook and Handbook are designed specifically for 5th-6th graders.
The Large Group/Small Group format is for DELTA clubs with more than 15 kids. The DELTA Knowing God's Love Large Group Leader Planbook contains scripted Bible Explorations, Bible Memory review, prayer content and more.
Churches running DELTA in the Large Group/Small Group format will also need a Small Group planbook for each small group leader. The small group planbooks facilitate age-appropriate discussion of the Bible Exploration presented from the Large Group Planbook and focuses on the kid’s handbook Bible activities, application of the lesson, Bible memory and prayer content.
The DELTA Knowing God's Love Large Group Planbook corresponds with the DELTA Knowing God's Love Hiker Small Group Planbook, the DELTA Knowing God's Love Adventurer Small Group Planbook and the DELTA Knowing God's Love Navigator Small Group Planbook.
The Knowing God's Love All-in-One Planbook is designed for churches ministering to less than 15 children with limited volunteers. This planbook provides weekly Bible Explorations and instructions for working with multi-aged children as they apply the lesson during the handbook time. This planbook can be used with the Knowing God's Love Hiker Handbook, Adventurer Handbook and Navigator Handbook.
DELTA Lanyard
$4.99 -
The DELTA Large Group/Small Group Review Kit contains the Exploring God's Word Large Group planbook, one of each corresponding Small Group planbook (Hiker, Adventurer and Navigator) and one of each of the corresponding kid's handbooks (Hiker, Adventurer and Navigator), as well as the How to Run & Promote a Successful Club Program book, a DELTA club poster and a sample award set (including the emblem, lanyard, stickers, and pins).
Delta All-In-One Review Kit
$49.99The DELTA All-in-One Review Kit contains the Exploring God's Word All-in-One leader planbook and one of the corresponding kid’s handbooks (Adventurer, grades 3-4). It also includes a sample award set (including the emblem, lanyard, stickers, and pins). -
DELTA T-Shirts
$15.99 – $16.99 -
Celebrating achievement is simple with DELTA. Each year of DELTA includes a unique colorful, triangle-shaped emblem. The plastic emblem allows children to display the award stickers they earn and can serve as a child’s name tag when used with the DELTA lanyard. Children who earn all six award stickers in the areas of Bible, Skill and Games earn a corresponding pin which they can display by pinning them on their lanyard.
The DELTA Discovering God's Way Award Stickers are placed on the back of the DELTA Discovering God's Way Emblem.
The DELTA Discovering God's Way Bible Award Pin is earned when a child has completed all six Bible units in their Discovering God's Way Hiker, Adventurer or Navigator Handbook. The Bible Award Pin can be attached to the DELTA Lanyard.