Ministry Resources

//Ministry Resources
  • Themed meetings or events are great for your club. The Friends Valentine's Party includes: decoration, games, snacks and activity ideas, as well as a devotional and Bible memory activity. Printable Bible memory cards in ESV, NIV and KJV are also included.
  • Themed meetings or events are great for your club. The Puzzle Piece Kickoff includes: decoration, games, snacks and activity ideas, as well as a devotional and Bible memory activity. Printable Bible memory cards in ESV, NIV and KJV are also included.
  • Themed meetings or events are great for your club. The Popcorn Party includes: decoration, games, snacks and activity ideas, as well as a devotional and Bible memory activity. Printable Bible memory cards in ESV, NIV and KJV are also included. Also includes promotional material to advertise the event.
  • Themed meetings or events are great for your club. The Cookie Party includes: decoration, games, snacks and activity ideas, as well as a devotional and Bible memory activity. Printable Bible memory cards in ESV, NIV and KJV are also included. 
  • Themed meetings or events are great for your club. The Lock-in Mid-year Event includes: decoration, games, snacks and activity ideas, as well as a devotional and Bible memory activity. Printable Bible memory cards in ESV, NIV and KJV are also included.
  • Themed meetings or events are great for your club. The Friends Valentine's Party includes: decoration, games, snacks and activity ideas, as well as a devotional and Bible memory activity. Printable Bible memory cards in ESV, NIV and KJV are also included.
  • Themed meetings or events are great for your club. The Bananarama Kickoff includes: decoration, games, snacks and activity ideas, as well as a devotional and Bible memory activity. Printable Bible memory cards in ESV, NIV and KJV are also included.
  • Themed meetings or events are great for your club. The DELTA Theme Verse Kickoff includes: decoration, games, snacks and activity ideas, as well as a devotional and Bible memory activity. Printable Bible memory cards in ESV, NIV and KJV are also included. Also includes promotional material to advertise the event.
  • Themed meetings or events are great for your club. The Great Escape Easter Party includes: decoration, games, snacks and activity ideas, as well as a devotional and Bible memory activity. Printable Bible memory cards in ESV, NIV and KJV are also included.
  • Themed meetings or events are great for your club. The Turkey Party includes: decoration, games, snacks and activity ideas, as well as a devotional and Bible memory activity. Printable Bible memory cards in ESV, NIV and KJV are also included.
  • Themed meetings or events are great for your club. The Light of Christmas Party includes: decoration, games, snacks and activity ideas, as well as a devotional and Bible memory activity. Printable Bible memory cards in ESV, NIV and KJV are also included.
  • This downloadable Pine Car Derby Event guide includes all of the information you need to host a Pine Car Derby Event.
  • Churches that desire their communities for Christ often overlook the important role a vibrant children's ministry can play in reaching families. This booklet will help those in your church catch the vision of using children's ministry for outreach and evangelism.
  • Order all four books (Games Galore, Funtastic Games, Easy-to-Make Projects and Skits) and save $5. A great way to enhance your children's ministry!
  • BOLT Poster

    Advertise your BOLT club with these bright posters. Post around your community and church to promote your program. Size: 11" x 17"
  • The Pioneer Program Basic Training Workshop provides the necessary tools to conduct a group or individual Pioneer Clubs leader training. The download includes a slideshow presentation, presenter script, worksheets and more. The training is designed for the age-specific traditional Pioneer Program (Voyager, Pathfinder, Trailblazer).
  • Give your leaders the training they need to be able to use the DELTA All-in-One curriculum at your church. This download provides tools to conduct a group or individual training workshop, including a presenter script, slide presentation, worksheets and more.
  • Give your leaders the training they need to be able to use the DELTA Large Group/Small Group curriculum at your church. This download provides tools to conduct a group or individual training workshop, including a presenter script, slide presentation, worksheets and more.
  • Give your leaders the training they need to be able to use the BOLT curriculum at your church. This download provides tools to conduct a group or individual training workshop, including a presenter script, slide presentation, worksheets and more.
  • Give your leaders the training they need to be able to use the Preschool (Skipper or Scooter) curriculum at your church. This download provides tools to conduct a group or individual training workshop, including a presenter script, slide presentation, worksheets and more.
  • Tips and pointers for leaders and volunteers on how to run a Discovery program and guide kids.
  • The Leading Bible Exploration Training Session includes: a presenter script, slideshow, worksheets, and more. In this training session, club leaders will:
    • learn how to use Planbooks and handbooks to conduct Bible Explorations.
    • understand the importance of the three parts of a Bible Exploration.
    • participate in an actual Bible Exploration.
    • learn ways to adapt materials to meet their club's needs.
    • learn to lead effective discussions.
  • The Making Bible Memory Meaningful Training Session includes: a presenter script, slideshow, worksheets, and more. In this training session, club leaders will:
    • learn several reasons why Scripture memory is important in club.
    • realize why club members need to understand and apply verses, not just memorize them.
    • practice memory techniques.
  • The Leading Life Skill Activities Training Session includes: a presenter script, slideshow, worksheets, and more. In this training session, club leaders will:
    • identify societal trends that make the Pioneer Clubs award recognition system beneficial to club members.
    • study one award in their age level to see how it can help club members build skills and develop a positive attitude toward themselves.
    • plan ways to improve life skill and games activities in their clubs.
    • understand effective ways to give members awards.
  • The Leading Songs Training Session includes: a presenter script, slideshow, worksheets, and more. In this training session, club leaders will:
    • understand the benefits of singing in club.
    • learn ways to structure a song time.
    • participate in worship.
    • learn guidelines for teaching songs to club members.
  • The Leading Game Time Training Session includes: a presenter script, slideshow, worksheets, and more. In this training session, club leaders will:
    • discuss the benefits of game playing.
    • learn ways of choosing, planning and leading games to maximize fun and benefits for club members.
  • The Group Discipline Training Session provides tools to conduct a group or individual training workshop. In this training session, club leaders will:
    • recognize the value and goals of discipline.
    • examine different styles of discipline.
    • learn steps to a good discipline program.
    • understand guidelines, logical consequences, and positive reinforcement, and develop some examples.
    • examine ways to handle misbehavior.
  • The Presenting the Gospel Training Session includes: a presenter script, slideshow, worksheets, and more. In this training session, club leaders will:
    • understand how children develop spiritually and how to help them grow.
    • learn how to effectively present the gospel to children.
    • consider ways to help nature children in their faith.
    • realize the importance of showing love to all children.
  • The Listening to Children Training Session includes: a presenter script, slideshow, worksheets, and more. In this training session, club leaders will:
    • understand the importance of listening to children.
    • evaluate their own listening skills.
    • examine constructive ways to respond to children.
    • learn ways to get children to listen to them.
    • role play listening to children.
  • The Understanding Learning Styles Training Session includes: a presenter script, slideshow, worksheets, and more. In this training session, club leaders will:
    • experience children's three primary perceptual preferences.
    • identify four basic teaching/learning styles and decide which one best describes themselves.
    • understand that children learn in different ways and that a variety of teaching/learning techniques is needed to reach all their club members.
    • recognize the value of using the variety provided in Pioneer Clubs curriculum.
  • The Understanding Age Characteristics Training Session includes: a presenter script, slideshow, worksheets, and more. In this training session, club leaders will:
    • learn several things all children need.
    • learn the age characteristics of their club members.
    • realize how knowing age characteristics will help them understand their club members' needs.
    • see how Pioneer Clubs' spiraling curriculum helps them meet those needs.
  • The Using Effective Teaching Techniques Training Session includes: a presenter script, slideshow, worksheets, and more. In this training session, club leaders:
    • experience and rate several teaching techniques.
    • understand how we learn and what increases the effectiveness of teaching techniques.
    • identify teaching techniques in Pioneer Clubs curriculum.
    • review steps for using teaching techniques.
  • The Emphasizing Missions in Club Training Session includes: a presenter script, slideshow, worksheets, and more. In this training session, club leaders will:
    • examine their own attitudes about missions.
    • understand Pioneer Clubs' philosophy of missions education.
    • become familiar with Pioneer Clubs Kids for Kids and Pioneer Clubs' missions education materials.
    • understand how club members earn the Pioneer Clubs Missions Award by participating in regular meetings.
    • plan ways to include a missions emphasis in their club.
  • The Planning Special Events Workshop includes: a presenter script, slideshow, worksheets, and more. In this workshop, club leaders will:
    • discuss benefits of special club events.
    • brainstorm ideas for special events.
    • learn what resources are available to help them plan.
    • plan a special event.
  • The Developing Team Leadership Training Session includes: a presenter script, slideshow, worksheets, and more. In this training session, club leaders will:
    • learn reasons for using team leadership in Pioneer Clubs.
    • understand the benefits of team leadership.
    • examine aspects of good communication.
    • learn positive ways to handle conflict with co-leaders.
    • role play ways to have good communication.
    • discuss ways to develop good relationships with co-leaders.
  • The Running Club Smoothly Training Session includes: a presenter script, slideshow, worksheets, and more. In this training session, club leaders will:
    • discuss practical tips to help them run clubs smoothly.
    • learn about resources for more ideas.
  • The Evaluating Club Leader Workshop includes: a presenter script, slideshow, worksheets, and more. In this workshop, club leaders will:
    • understand the benefit of evaluating club.
    • consider what and when to evaluate.
    • evaluate their club.
  • The How to Run & Promote a Successful Club Program book is our most valuable leader and club resource book. It's filled with the best ideas for running our great club programs and telling your church and community about what you offer for children.
  • Helps leaders feel confident in leading club meetings and ministering to children. Includes overview of club goals, tips on preparing for the club year and weekly meetings, suggestions on explaining salvation to children, club discipline guidelines and more. Use as a group or individual training tool.
  • Hang the Pioneer Clubs flag on a flagpole outside, on the wall of your gym, or use during a local parade. 5' x 3' flag. 100% nylon with brass grommets and canvas heading.
  • Write your club information on the door hangers and hang them on front doors throughout your community as an inexpensive way to invite kids to club.
  • Write the information about your club on the back and send these postcards to kids in your church and community to invite them to club. Package includes 25 postcards. Postcards are 4.25" x 6"
  • Let everyone know about Pioneer Clubs! 4' x 3' heavy weight reinforced vinyl single-sided sign. Sewn edges and grommets for hanging with rope. Includes space to write your club information.
  • Let everyone know about BOLT with the 4' x 3' durable vinyl single-sided banner. Sewn edges and grommets for hanging with rope. Includes space to write your club information.
  • DELTA Poster

    Promote your DELTA club around your church and community with these eye-catching posters. Designed to be customized with information about your program. Size: 11" x 17"
  • This great resource gives ideas for decorations, activities, refreshments and devotions for club celebrations. Includes holiday parties, overnights, award ceremonies, missions activities and service projects.
  • Over 200 projects that club members can make out of clay, fabric, paper, paints and wood. This book includes special sections on puppets, holidays, missions and campcraft.
  • Over 100 fun games for kids of all ages! Great resource for game ideas that engage children during transition times, special meetings or any time! Contains holiday, outdoor, relay, noncompetitive, classic, team games and more!
  • Games Galore

    Get more than 290 games for your club! The collection includes Classic, Hiking, International, Get Acquainted, Relay, Races, Musical, Nature, Camping, Outdoor, Holiday, Indoor, Wheels and Noncompetitive games.
  • Find great ideas for organizing a Pal program, which matches adults with club members in your church. This book explains the Pal program and includes reproducible pages and ideas for fun Pal activities.