
  • Voyagers earn the "Clothes" badge by completing the requirements for the "Clothes" unit on pages 50-51 of the Growing in God's Grace handbook. Badges come in packages of 5 badges.
  • Voyagers earn the "Club Helper" badge by completing the requirements for the "Animals" unit on pages 52-55 of the Growing in God's Grace handbook. Badges come in packages of 5 badges.
  • Pathfinders earn the "Collector" badge by completing the requirements for the "Collector" unit on pages 61-63 of the Discovering God's Goodness handbook. Badges come in packages of 5 badges.
  • Voyagers earn the "Cooking" badge by completing the requirements for the "Animals" unit on pages 56-59 of the Growing in God's Grace handbook. Badges come in packages of 5 badges.
  • Trailblazers earn the "Cooking Outdoors" badge by completing the requirements for the "Cooking Outdoors" unit on pages 86-90 of the Exploring New Trails handbook. Badges come in packages of 5 badges.
  • Trailblazers earn the "Computers" badge by completing the requirements for the "Computers" unit on pages 74-76 of the Exploring the Way handbook. Badges come in packages of 5 badges.
  • Trailblazers earn the "Cooking" badge by completing the requirements for the "Cooking" unit on pages 42-46 of the Exploring the Way handbook. Badges come in packages of 5 badges.
  • Trailblazers earn the "Crafts" badge by completing the requirements for the "Crafts" unit on pages 77-83 of the Exploring the Way handbook. Badges come in packages of 5 badges.
  • Pathfinders earn the "Creative Fun" badge by completing the requirements for the "Creative Fun" unit on pages 64-67 of the Discovering God's Goodness handbook. Badges come in packages of 5 badges.
  • Trailblazers earn the "Creative Gifts" badge by completing the requirements for the "Creative Gifts" unit on pages 77-81 of the Exploring New Trails handbook. Badges come in packages of 5 badges.
  • Pathfinders earn the "Critters" badge by completing the requirements for the "Critters" unit on pages 75-78 of the Discovering God's Goodness handbook. Badges come in packages of 5 badges.
  • Trailblazers earn the "Cycling" badge by completing the requirements for the "Cycling" unit on pages 103-106 of the Exploring New Trails handbook. Badges come in packages of 5 badges.
  • Pathfinders earn the "Designs" badge by completing the requirements for the "Designs" unit on pages 68-70 of the Discovering God's Goodness handbook. Badges come in packages of 5 badges.
  • The "Discovering Creation" badge is given for completing the sixth Bible unit in the Trailblazer book, Exploring the Way. This badge is available in a package of 5 badges.
  • Trailblazers earn the "Drama" badge by completing the requirements for the "Drama" unit on pages 41-45 of the Exploring the Way handbook. Badges come in packages of 5 badges.
  • Trailblazers earn the "Environment" badge by completing the requirements for the "Environment" unit on pages 91-94 of the Exploring New Trails handbook. Badges come in packages of 5 badges.
  • The "Encouraging Others" badge is given for completing the seventh Bible unit in the Voyager book, Growing in Jesus. This badge is available in a package of 5 badges.
  • Pathfinders earn the "Exercise Fun" badge by completing the requirements for the "Exercise Fun" unit on pages 47-50 of the Discovering God's Goodness handbook. Badges come in packages of 5 badges.
  • Trailblazers earn the "Experiments" badge by completing the requirements for the "Experiments" unit on pages 84-87 of the Exploring the Way handbook. Badges come in packages of 5 badges.
  • Voyagers earn the "Exploring" badge by completing the requirements for the "Exploring" unit on pages 88-92 of the Growing in God's Grace handbook. Badges come in packages of 5 badges.
  • The "Exploring God's Word" badge is given for completing the first Bible unit in the Trailblazer book, Exploring the Way. This badge is available in a package of 5 badges.
  • Voyagers earn the "Family Fun" badge by completing the requirements for the "Family Fun" unit on pages 60-62 of the Growing in God's Grace handbook. Badges come in packages of 5 badges.
  • Trailblazers earn the "Family Fun" badge by completing the requirements for the "Family Fun" unit on pages 56-59 of the Exploring the Way handbook. Badges come in packages of 5 badges.
  • Voyagers earn the "Family Helper" badge by completing the requirements for the "Family Helper" unit on pages 45-47 of the Growing in Jesus handbook. Badges come in packages of 5 badges.
  • The "Family Living" badge is given for completing the fifth Bible unit in the Trailblazer book, Exploring the Way. This badge is available in a package of 5 badges.
  • Voyagers earn the "Feeling Good" badge by completing the requirements for the "Feeling Good" unit on pages 63-64 of the Growing in God's Grace handbook. Badges come in packages of 5 badges.
  • Trailblazers earn the "First Aid" badge by completing the requirements for the "First Aid" unit on pages 53-57 of the Exploring New Trails handbook. Badges come in packages of 5 badges.
  • Voyagers earn the "Fitness Trail" badge by completing the requirements for the "Fitness Trail" unit on pages 92-95 of the Growing in Jesus handbook. Badges come in packages of 5 badges.
  • Trailblazers earn the "Friends" badge by completing the requirements for the "Friends" unit on pages 58-62 of the Exploring New Trails handbook. Badges come in packages of 5 badges.
  • The "Friendship" badge is given for completing the second Bible unit in the Trailblazer book, Exploring New Trails. This badge is available in a package of 5 badges.
  • The "Friends Are Fun" badge is given for completing the second Bible unit in the Voyager book, Growing in Jesus. This badge is available in a package of 5 badges.
  • Voyagers earn the "Games" badge by completing the requirements for the "Games" unit on pages 96-98 of the Growing in Jesus handbook. Badges come in packages of 5 badges.
  • Trailblazers earn the "Games" badge by completing the requirements for the "Games" unit on pages 112-117 of the Exploring the Way handbook. Badges come in packages of 5 badges.
  • The "Getting Along with Others" badge is given for completing the second Bible unit in the Pathfinder book, Discovering God's Goodness. This badge is available in a package of 5 badges.
  • The "God and Me" badge is given for completing the fourth Bible unit in the Voyager book, Growing in God's Grace. This badge is available in a package of 5 badges.
  • The "God Creates" badge is given for completing the sixth Bible unit in the Pathfinder book, Discovering God's Goodness. This badge is available in a package of 5 badges.
  • The "God Made Families" badge is given for completing the fifth Bible unit in the Voyager book, Growing in God's Grace. This badge is available in a package of 5 badges.
  • The "God Made It All" badge is given for completing the sixth Bible unit in the Voyager book, Growing in Jesus. This badge is available in a package of 5 badges.
  • The "God Made Us" badge is given for completing the fourth Bible unit in the Pathfinder book, Discovering God's Goodness. This badge is available in a package of 5 badges.
  • The "God's Family" badge is given for completing the third Bible unit in the Pathfinder book, Discovering God's Goodness. This badge is available in a package of 5 badges.
  • The "God's Word" badge is given for completing the sixth Bible unit in the Voyager book, Growing in God's Grace. This badge is available in a package of 5 badges.
  • Pathfinders earn the "Good Food" badge by completing the requirements for the "Good Food" unit on pages 51-54 of the Discovering God's Goodness handbook. Badges come in packages of 5 badges.
  • The "Good News" badge is given for completing the seventh Bible unit in the Voyager book, Growing in God's Grace. This badge is available in a package of 5 badges.
  • Pathfinders earn the "Grill Chef" badge by completing the requirements for the "Grill Chef" unit on pages 79-80 of the Discovering God's Goodness handbook. Badges come in packages of 5 badges.
  • Pathfinders earn the "Group Games" badge by completing the requirements for the "Group Games" unit on pages 89-91 of the Discovering God's Goodness handbook. Badges come in packages of 5 badges.
  • The "Helping Others" badge is given for completing the second Bible unit in the Voyager book, Growing in God's Grace. This badge is available in a package of 5 badges.
  • Trailblazers earn the "Hiking" badge by completing the requirements for the "Hiking" unit on pages 95-98 of the Exploring New Trails handbook. Badges come in packages of 5 badges.
  • Voyagers earn the "Holidays" badge by completing the requirements for the "Holidays" unit on pages 69-72 of the Growing in God's Grace handbook. Badges come in packages of 5 badges.
  • The "Home and Heart" badge is given for completing the fifth Bible unit in the Pathfinder book, Discovering God's Goodness. This badge is available in a package of 5 badges.
  • Pathfinders earn the "Home Helper" badge by completing the requirements for the "Home Helper" unit on pages 55-56 of the Discovering God's Goodness handbook. Badges come in packages of 5 badges.