Through the years many of us have thought of children’s ministry as Christian education . We were literally about educating them to be Christians, getting the right information into kid’s minds. It was as if we thought if they just knew enough bible verses, and bible stories, it would change their hearts. Yet information doesn’t always lead to transformation; sometimes it just means you are educated but it doesn’t mean much to you. What we really want is for children to connect with Jesus in a way that shapes their soul. How can we do that?
- Kids are shaped by how you love them. You can become the embodiment of Jesus by how you take time to listen, encourage, and love them in relationship. Take time to think about how you are loving them. Can they tell that Jesus’ love flows through you to them? Is it creating a bridge to Jesus’ love for them?
- Experiencing Jesus transforms kids. Are you encouraging them to discern His voice? Have they accepted Him as their Savior? Are they learning to want to obey Him? Are they learning that it is not about trying harder but by relying on Him to transform them through the work of the Holy Spirit?
- Kids are changed by developing a heart that longs to know Jesus. When you share your passion for Him as you tell the bible story, you are helping kids connect with what it looks like to have a soul that is shaped by a love for Jesus. When you share why a bible verse you are memorizing means so much to you, you are helping them connect with a heart relationship with Jesus that makes all the difference.
- When you model for them what Christ has done for you, kids are challenged. This year’s Delta curriculum has a new section called Mentoring Moment. It is an opportunity for Navigator leaders to share how Jesus has transformed you. It helps kids begin to envision what Jesus might do in them.
- Kids are moved when you pray with them and for them. Prayer is a way that we acknowledge the Holy Spirit’s work and invite Him into what is happening during your time with the kids. We do not do this work on our own but are completely dependent on what God is doing.
- Taking the time to correct kids well and in ways that are encouraging and life-giving can be an invitation for life change. Owning our own sin helps us understand the need for a Savior. It can be the first step towards a relationship with Jesus.
- Being part of a club community can inspire a deeper faith. Kids realize that others are struggling too, that they are not alone, and that others need support and can give them support too. Blessings come from living in community with each other and being known.
- Creating space for kids to respond is vital in spiritual transformation. They need to have a chance to process what God is doing inside of them. For some kids, that may not happen outside of club so it may be important to take time before, during , or after club to grab those opportunities to help them process how Jesus is reaching out to them.
Be encouraged as you lead kids to Jesus and try to see how He is at work as you walk alongside them!