DELTA Living Like Jesus Navigator Handbook

////DELTA Living Like Jesus Navigator Handbook

DELTA Living Like Jesus Navigator Handbook


Use the DELTA Living Like Jesus Navigator Handbook with either the DELTA Living Like Jesus All-in-One Leader Planbook or the DELTA Living Like Jesus Large Group Leader Planbook and Navigator Small Group Leader Planbook

Handbooks help kids gain a deeper understanding of the Bible lesson and how it applies to their lives. These resources are age appropriate for children in elementary school. DELTA levels are Hiker (grades 1-2), Adventurer (grades 3-4) and Navigator (grades 5-6). Handbooks also contain instructions for the skill and game awards for the club year, which are the same for Hiker, Adventurer and Navigator. Handbooks are spiral bound.

SKU: 3431 Categories: ,

Additional information

Weight 0.46875 lbs
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × 0.25 in


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