Product Description
BOLT is designed for grades 1-6 and works well for churches ministering to any size group of kids through multi-age large group lessons and small-group relational time.
The BOLT Psalms for Life Take Home Pages introduce kids to the book of Psalms by looking closely at four Psalms: Pslam 23; 56; 139 and 148. Kids will see how they can trust God when they are afraid, praise God, thank God for how they were made specially and see how He is our Good Shepherd.
This 4-lesson Bible Exploration unit can be used as part of a short-term club program, after school club, children’s church, Sunday children’s ministry, summer church camp, or anytime that fits your church schedule. This is a way to go deep and disciple kids in a short amount of time.
Use these Take Home Pages to reinforce Bible Exploration, application, memory verse and connect in a spiritual conversation at home. These are specifically designed to work well with Christian and non-Christian adults, supporting both in their parenting role and giving them an opportunity to engage in as much of a spiritual conversation as desired.
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