Date: The first Sunday in February (or any date that would best fit your church’s calendar)
Celebrate Pioneer Clubs Sunday on the first Sunday in February, or a Sunday that works best for your church. This is a great opportunity to share with the people in your church the impact your club is having on the children in your church and community. Kids can assist with the service by ushering, reading Scripture and singing the theme song. Invite your church to share the offering with Pioneer Clubs to support the Spanish version of DELTA so that clubs in Mexico and Cuba can have club curriculum in their own language. Pioneer Clubs Sunday Service Ideas
Shine a spotlight on your Pioneer Clubs program!
This February, join churches across North America in celebrating Pioneer Clubs Sunday. By participating in this important event, kids get the opportunity to:
- show their parents and church family what club is about.
- let other children in the congregation see how fun club is.
- help your congregation catch a vision for how Pioneer Clubs transforms young lives and teaches children to put Jesus first in every aspect of life.
- provide your congregation with an opportunity to support your club.
- provide a missions opportunity for the children of your club to support the work of the international ministry of Pioneer Clubs.
- express appreciation for volunteers.
- recruit volunteers for club next year.
- recognize their own contribution in the body of Christ.
Now is the time to start planning how you’ll make your Pioneer Clubs Sunday a memorable highlight of the club year.