Included on this page are the samples of our traditional, age-specific program. This program breaks the kids into their age groupings for the entire program, so that kids are always engaged in a lesson or activity that is developmentally appropriate. This program is typically broken into these age groups: Voyager (1st-2nd grades), Pathfinder (3rd-4th grades) and Trailblazer (5th-6th grades). Our age-specific program usually functions best when each grouping can have at least 5-10 kids each and can be run with any combination of the age groups. For each group, you will see the introductory pages from each leader planbook, a sample lesson from the leader’s guide, corresponding pages for the kids’ handbook, scope and sequence chart, badge award chart for each book and a link to the online store.
One thing to note as you look at the skill activities portion – many churches realistically can only fit in the Bible portion and one of the skill activities, but we provide more rather than less so you won’t run out of options. There is also a lot of variety and flexibility with the activity awards. The ones that are referenced are merely our suggested pairings. You can find other options in the handbooks or change the timing of them during the club year. Directions for these activities are only briefly referenced in the leader book which focuses on the Bible lesson. The detailed descriptions are always listed for the kids to see in their handbooks.
- Introduction Pages
- Leader Planbook Sample
- Kids’ Handbook Sample
- Scope and Sequence Chart
- Badge Award Chart – Growing in God’s Grace
- Badge Award Chart – Growing in Jesus
- Pricing Charts